A course in international law opens your eyes to see the essentials of the Middle East conflict

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Your guide to Israel and International Law

The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation (thinc.) is a global network of international law academics, practitioners, and experts in related disciplines such as religion and history.

What we do

  • Education
    - online and onsite leader training
  • Research
    - Utilization of legal expertise
    - Reports & briefings
    - Promoting public debate
  • Advocacy 
    - provides analyses, briefings and submissions that speak directly to international organizations, national governments and NGOs. We engage networks of politicians, academics, lawyers and concerned individuals.

Focus on education

► Develop comprehensive educational materials
► Online learning tracks
►  Salon - an online global community
►  Catalogue – Issues highlighted

Educating Leaders 

- 20+ online and face-to-face seminars, and conferences, globally
- Host Summer and Winter Schools in Israel that combine touring, lectures and briefings
Annual Israel on Trial Conference in The Hague addressing the treatment of the State of Israel and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict within the UN and related institutions

Quality Teaching

Highly skilled teachers are the cornerstone of a thriving education system, inspiring students, fostering critical thinking, and shaping the leaders of tomorrow.

Our highly skilled teachers infuse creativity into their lessons, making learning engaging and memorable. They find innovative ways to present information and encourage critical thinking
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